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This course is designed to be used by individuals and organisations as an introduction to Aviation Ground Operations.

As with all of our travel, tourism and aviation qualifications teaching materials, we have versions to support delivery of courses covering specification for BTEC, City & Guilds, NCFE and SQA requirements.

Home Learners are also supported with our 'Check In' range of manuals designed for self study and with remote support available.

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What's Covered

  • Provides an understanding of the industry and develop generic skills and knowledge of the duties required to work in Aviation Operations
  • Airport communications, terminology and relevant safety checks and procedures
  • Customer care and how to handle the needs of all passengers
  • The processes and activities involved in check-in, boarding and disembarkation of passengers
  • Provides a basis for further study and motivation towards career development

With approx 500 pages of knowledge, exercises and validations to test understanding and provide assessment evidence, this is one of our premium products.

Versions Available

  • BTEC Aviation Operations on the Ground
  • C&G Aviation Operations on the Ground
  • NCFE Aviation Operations on the Ground
  • SQA Airport Ground Operations
  • Home Learning - Check Into Ground Handling

Available as a pre-printed manual or, for groups of students, in PDF format on annual licence providing maximum flexibility and economy.